Defiance Machine Sponsorship Program Application

Thank you for your interest in having Defiance Machine be a part of your upcoming event.

Due to the amount of requests we get, we generally take up to two business weeks to evaluate and respond to a sponsorship request. Our actions are custom made to order and take time to manufacture. We ask that you request sponsorship for your event no less than three months before you would need sponsorship materials/product in hand.

Please fill out the below form to request event sponsorship. Filling out this form not only helps us to make an informed and fair decision for sponsoring this year, but it puts your event into a database that helps us to plan sponsorships out when doing our budgeting for next year.

If you would like to email us any additional flyers or marketing materials about your event, please email us at after filling out this form.

If you require assistance in filling out this form, please email us at or call us at (406)-249-4377.

Click here to fill out a Sponsorship Application.